Czech Police Recommend Hasek be Charged


Dominik Hasek could see jail time for injuring a player during an inline hockey game last spring.

Czech police investigating the case have sent a report to the state prosecutor recommending that Hasek be charged with causing bodily harm, an offense punishable by up to eight years in prison.

The incident occured during the May 18 game between Hasek’s Bonfire Strida and SK Pardubice. According to media reports, Hasek collided with SK Pardubice’s Martin Sila. Hasek then knocked Sila down with a crosscheck to the back, sat on him, and hit him in the neck with his stick.

Hasek has since denied any wrongdoing. One of his representatives said Friday that Hasek would like to have the case settled as soon as possible.

After the incident, Hasek was suspended from the Czech inline league for one year.

In July, Hasek shocked hockey fans worldwide by announcing his intention to return to the Detroit Red Wings, the NHL team he retired from after winning the Stanley Cup with them in 2002.

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